
Offering Comprehensive Strategic Consulting Services

Government Relations

Play-Action has a proven record of success navigating numerous federal agencies and supporting clients in achieving their goals. Stemming from personal experience in senior government positions and as an expert in legislative affairs, James Norton has the ability to navigate difficult bureaucracies and establish positive customer relations. The firm understands electoral realities, and highlights opportunities for clients based on potential changes to the leadership dynamics in Congress and the Administration.

Play-Action Strategies


Play-Action supports dynamic strategies to capture business with the federal government. The firm offers competitive analyses, customer intelligence, and participates in corporate color teams sessions. Play-Action will conduct opportunity forecasting, and budget analyses. For example, as cybersecurity has grown as a federal priority, Play-Action was ahead of the curve and advises on trends. 

Play-Action Strategies


Play-Action provides expert electoral analyses. The firm has the ability to coordinate analytical products with its strategic partners, including political media consultants. These analyses will explore electoral realities and and highlight opportunities based on potential changes to the Leadership dynamics in Congress and the Administration.


Play-Action has the communications skills and institutional knowledge to protect and enhance your brand in Washington, D.C. and around the world. The firm provides brand management, media training, and crisis communications. As social media and digital communications becomes a must-have in communications Play-Action provides industry-leading digital services at the greatest value to the client.

Play-Action Strategies